Spa Marvel Water Treatment

Spa Marvel Water Treatment

Spa Marvel Natural Water Treatment & Conditioner

Spa Marvel is a safe and gentler alternative to traditional hot tub water care. Spa Marvel solves most spa water problems naturally, without the danger of using multiple spa chemicals. Spa Marvel is not a sanitizer, you must still maintain a suitable chlorine or bromine level in the tub.

Just empty one bottle of Spa Marvel into you spa or hot tub water and enjoy the natural benefits for up to three months.

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Spa Marvel Natural Water Treatment & Conditioner


For an environmentally friendly hot tub treatment, look no further. Spa Marvel is a unique formulation of natural enzymes, minerals and plant extracts; a must have for chlorine free spa treatment.

Spa Marvel Water Treatment & Conditioner (Spa Marvel) is an environmentally-friendly, enzyme-based spa-water treatment product that will allow you to operate your spa with significantly fewer chemicals than you would otherwise would, making your hot tub experience more enjoyable and water care much easier. Spa Marvel:

● Clears the path for sanitizers such as chlorine or bromine. This means that it will take less sanitizer to maintain the desired sanitizer readings when using Spa Marvel than when you are not.

● Allows for fewer water balance adjustments.

● Prevents scale build up from accumulating in your plumbing, so that your equipment lasts longer and you no longer need to use stain and scale control.

● Prevents scum lines from forming and does a fantastic job at helping to prevent and eliminate foaming.

● Contains properties that condition your skin, leaving it feeling soft and supple, so well that people with ailments like eczema and psoriasis often find that their condition improves when using Spa Marvel.

● Reduces and prevents scum lines and foaming.

● Is gentle on skin, hair and bathing suits.

● Gives you water so soft & clean you won’t feel the need to shower after using your spa.

How to use

● Drain hot tub and clean filters with a product such as Spa Marvel Filter Cleaner

● Fill spa and heat to normal operating temperature

● Add one bottle for up to 500 gallons (2000 litres) of freshwater

One bottle of Spa Marvel will last up to three months. First time users should use the Spa Marvel Cleanser prior to using the Spa Marvel Water Treatment and Conditioner. Please read the instructions carefully before use. For more information, consult your local showroom or visit

No ingredients used in Spa Marvel Water Treatment and Conditioner are hazardous to humans, plants or animals per CFR 1910.1.

Spa Marvel is leading hot tub chemical options into a new age, one that prioritizes chemical free treatment without compromising the environment. Our hot tub water treatment is not a sanitizer. You must still add a sanitizer such as chlorine or bromine. It works perfectly to reduce the irritation associated with traditional spa treatments, with a low maintenance regimen that keeps your tub clean for three months.

Filling your hot tub without chemicals can be extremely dangerous. Bacteria and fungi thrive in temperature between 25-40oC - the exact temperature range of a hot tub! While you may be concerned about an allergic reaction to hot tub chemicals, chemical free hot tub treatments can work wonders for preventing bromine and chlorine rash as well as keeping you safe.

Spa Marvel Water Treatment and Conditioner is the best hot tub chemicals for

● Maintaining pH and alkalinity

● Preventing scale build up without the need to use stain and scale control products

● Reducing the need for constant testing and adding adjustment products

● Descaling deep-seated build-up that can accumulate over time from regular use

● Reducing issues caused from hard-water to longevity in spa quality

● Eliminating foam and scum rings from occurring, without the use of chemical agents

● Possessing natural skin moisturising conditioners that softens the skin. Our chemical free hot tub water treatment works for those with eczema and psoriasis to keep skin healthy, rather than irritate and dry it out further.

Just empty one bottle of Spa Marvel into you spa or hot tub water and enjoy the natural benefits for up to three months.

Customer Testimonials:

“We have enjoyed indoor pools and hot tubs for some 35 years. Little did we realize how much better our experience could be by using Spa Marvel, what with no constant battles with pH, no strong odours, no odours of chlorine and no bleached bathing outfits. We would happily recommend this product anywhere, anytime, to anyone.”

“We would like to say a word of THANKS for introducing us to Spa Marvel. We have been using Spa Marvel for approximately one year and we find it just wonderful. We no longer have the chemical odour within our home, nor do we and our children experience skin irritations, burning eyes, choking from odour and our daughter can enjoy the tub without getting spots/rashes on her skin. Maintenance is much easier and simpler. We no longer need to drain the water from our tub every two months. With Spa Marvel, we only need to drain and thoroughly clean our tub once a year. Spa Marvel has made ‘hot tubbing’ enjoyable and virtually maintenance free.”

“It is nice not to have chemicals soaking on our skin and there is no chlorine or bromine smell to put up with. We don’t have the constant maintenance of monitoring the pH and alkalinity levels. Furthermore, I pay good money for highlights in my hair and Spa Marvel doesn’t damage my hair at all. And not only am I impressed with your product, your support is even more impressive. I love it!”

“I would recommend Spa Marvel to anyone. Since we have been using it we haven’t had to add chlorine or bromine, pH increasers, reducers, antifoam, etc. It is nice not to have chemicals soaking on our skin and there is no chlorine or bromine smell to put up with. We don’t have the constant maintenance of monitoring the pH and alkalinity levels. Furthermore, I pay good money for highlights in my hair and this product doesn’t damage my hair at all. I love it!”

“And not only am I impressed with your product, your support is even more impressive.”

Spa Marvel Water Treatment & Conditioner

Application Directions Add one full bottle of Spa Marvel Water Treatment to all tubs up to 500 gallons. Even in smaller tubs, use 1 full bottle as your bather-load per volume of water is usually equal to, if not greater than the larger tubs. (In a brand new spa, add one third of a bottle, the second third in 30 days, and the last third in another 30 days.) Occasionally when the Spa Marvel is added it can be seen as white strands suspended in the water. This is normal and the Spa Marvel will go into solution once it has had a chance to circulate. Balance alkalinity (80-120) and then pH (7.0-7.6) if necessary using traditional spa-water balancing products available from your professional spa retailer. The acceptable range for pH when using Spa Marvel is much broader than when using traditional spa care products, so please take care to read your testing devices properly, keeping in mind that they are calibrated to show the "OK" range when using traditional chemicals, not Spa Marvel. Traditional spa treatment products work best at specific water-hardness levels. Spa Marvel will work at any hardness level, and given the choice Spa Marvel prefers softer water over harder water, but it is not a requirement. If your source water is so soft that it is corrosive and damages your heater and seals, then please adjust the hardness using calcium hardness increaser as per your professional spa store's guidelines. For best results we strongly recommend adding 1 tablespoon of chlorine or bromine to your spa water on start up and once a week thereafter. For example, if your tub is at a vacation home, add the chlorine weekly, again before you leave and again on your return, even if it is weeks or months before you return to use the spa. This is such a small amount of chlorine that you won't notice its presence.

IMPORTANT - Please read the instructions carefully. There are downloadable from the attachments section

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